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Forsyth County Beekeepers Association

Uncapped Honey

08/30/2017 4:32 PM | Anonymous

I just posted this on Facebook also:

Question to fellow FCBA members on uncapped honey: I recently harvested my sourwood but found a number of frames with scattered uncapped cells. Some frames completely uncapped on one side and the other side all capped. Go figure! Mostly, each side was about a third or half capped. I bought a refactometer to measure water content which was too high in the uncapped cells, How can I get the capped honey out without getting uncapped honey? I tried shaking it out unsuccessfully and then had a brainstorm on how to extract the capped honey without getting any uncapped-high-moistured-honey. I took each frame to the sink and using a pretty strong flow of lukewarm water and washed out the uncapped honey. It didn't hurt the capped honey. Then i shook each frame several times to get rid of the water and repeated the washing several times. I have just put them in front of a fan for several days to evaporate the water left and i'll see what I get. I'll probably extract the capped cells in a separate bucket to check the moisture. DO YOU THINK THIS WILL WORK? CRAZY? I'll post the results!!!


  • 02/12/2022 10:21 AM | Brian Carlton
    Just spin it out in the extractor before you uncap the good cells, if it won't shake out it probably won't hurt anyway.
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