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Forsyth County Beekeepers Association

Bee-Engaged: An Average Joe Beekeeper’s Guide to What I Wish I Knew (Myths & Fables plus Hints & Tips)

  • 10/05/2024
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 1450 Fairchild Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27105

FCBA October Meeting

Bee-Engaged: An Average Joe Beekeeper’s Guide to What I Wish I Knew (Myths & Fables plus Hints & Tips)

In this presentation, The Average Joe Beekeeper covers a wide variety of beekeeping knowledge and skills that aren’t readily shared or easily discovered by beekeepers, especially early in the beekeeping journey.  Add-in some trial-and-error moments and this presentation can be expected to provide some new ideas and tools for both the beginning, intermediate & advanced beekeeper. Attendees can expect to learn more about common beekeeping stories like honey in the Pyramids, smoking the bees and forcing bee reorientation. Other topics like Fainting Queens, laying worker remedies, disconnected wings and inspections will also be explored. This presentation, especially with audience participation, can be used to expand your knowledge and expertise through practical thinking.  Based on the popular Average Joe Beekeeper’s Hints and Tips found on both Facebook and a Website blog, this quick hitting review of various beekeeping subjects and topics is based actual hands-on experiences along with reading and study. 

Sign up for dinner HERE.

Joe Komperda, the Average Joe Beekeeper, kept bees in the Denver, Colorado area with his wife Debbie for 9 seasons before moving to North Carolina last year. He is a Master Beekeeper who ran 40 –50 hives at numerous locations in Colorado including the Denver Broncos Training Center.  Joe was the Secretary of the CoSBA and a prior ABF Director. He currently is the Vice President of the Iredell County Beekeepers Association. 

His “Bee-Engaged: An Average Joe Beekeeper’s Guide…” presentations are aimed at hobbyists but are applicable to all levels of participants. He combines beekeeping experience with science and biology to provide a better understanding of Honey Bees to his audiences. 

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