Processing Beeswax
Dana Stahlman
Beeswax: the most diverse part of the hive. Its multi-use abilities as a structure, home, storage, and communication pathway makes beeswax one of the most valuable parts of a hive. And not just for the bees, but for us as well. Whether you've used chapstick, lotion, wood polish, sealant, make-up or candles... beeswax has many uses. But HOW do you get it from a honeycomb structure to product? Dana Stahlman will be helping us understand beeswax processing and its uses.
If you plan to eat, please click HERE to sign up for the Potluck. 
Dana is a 4th generation beekeeper born in 1938. Originally from Ohio, he retired from commercial beekeeping in 2015 and moved to Raleigh. Dana still keeps a few hives of bees and is a mentor for students with Wake County Beekeepers Association. Dana achieved his EAS Master Beekeeper in 1995 and has published several books and cd's on beekeeping (thru 29 vendors), including Brushy Mt. Bee Farm before it closed. During the 1990's, he wrote articles for Bee Culture Magazine, Speedy Bees and ABJ. Dana owned and operated Stahlman Apiaries that kept bees in Ohio, Indiana, and Georgia. He has raised queens, sold package bees, done pollination work and produced honey. Dana was the Ohio State Beekeeper of the Year in 1997 and received the Ohio Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009. He also served as president of OSBA, COBA, and served in other offices as well.