FCBA March Meeting
How to Read a Frame
Ever wonder exactly what you're looking at when you inspect a frame of bees? It's simple, right? Brood, bees, & Queen. But what if there's something wrong? How do you fix it? Worse yet, what if there's something wrong and you MISS it? Shirley Harris (Apiary Inspector for Region 4 in NC) will be teaching "How to Read a Frame". Whether you've been keeping bees for 20 years or just starting, please join us for some great food & fellowship as we learn how to take better care of our Bees.
Please click here to sign up for the potluck.
The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) recently welcomed Apiary Inspector Shirley Harris to its Apiary Inspection Program. Shirley’s territory includes Anson, Chatham, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Scotland, Stanly, and Union Counties.
Shirley started her beekeeping experience in 2007, with a swarm of honeybees that moved to a box in the edge of their front yard. After finding the bees, she signed up for a local beginner’s bee class, and on her first field day, Master Craftsman Beekeeper, Ellis Hardison handed her a frame of bees with the Queen, she was hooked! Her & her husband were so fortunate to have had two mentors that helped and encouraged them along the way. She has served Montgomery County Beekeeper’s Club as vice president, secretary, program chair and most recently as president. She is a long-time member of NCSBA, a lifetime member of Montgomery County Beekeepers, and a Journeyman.
Visit https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/resources/apiary-inspection-program for the most update information on the Apiary Inspection Program.
Email: Shirley.harris@ncagr.gov
Phone number: 910-690-9555