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Forsyth County Beekeepers Association

FCBA Sept. '22 Increase & 5-Frame Resource Hives

  • 09/03/2022
  • 5:30 PM
  • 1450 Fairchild Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27106

FCBA September Meeting

Increase & the 5-Frame Resource Hive


Greg Wolgemuth

Please join us for a potluck dinner and hearing from our speaker, Greg Wolgemuth, on Increase & 5-Frame Resource Hives.  Learn how to create the supplies (pollen, eggs, brood, queen cells) your bees need right in your own backyard.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Please Click Here for Potluck Sign Up! 

Greg hails from Nashville, NC and has basically spent his entire adult life in the fields, forests, and waterways of northeastern NC.  He is a forester by profession with interests in hunting, fishing, gardening, and, of course, beekeeping.  Some of his favorite books are 50 Years Among the Bees & Mysteries of BeeKeeping Explained.

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