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Forsyth County Beekeepers Association

March 2020 FCBA Meeting - Joel Hausser on "Hive Beetle Control"

  • 03/07/2020
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 1450 Fairchild Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27105

Forsyth County Beekeepers Association March MeetingThe Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Building

Potluck Dinner: 5:30 pm
Presentation: 6:15 pm
Meeting: 7:15 pm 

Speaker:  Joel Hausser, TN Bee Inspector.  Previously in CA, he worked on an early almond - wildflower project, and once was in a partnership with 800 hives for pollination.

Topic:  "Hive Beetle Control"

We are fortunate to have Joel, whom some of you may remember as a speaker if you attended the 2019 NCSBA Summer Meeting in Hickory, NC, to speak with us on his findings for small hive beetle control in and around our hives.  In addition to varroa mites and pollination needs, small hive beetles are a problem in beekeeping that we must be prepared to handle.  Please join us to find out what works, and what doesn't, in controlling this beetle.

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